Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Lack of Words for Once...

I feel obligated to write in my blog ever so often.  Today I can honestly say don't know what to talk about.  I could talk about how I was on a plane for four hours this morning looking at the Williams-Sonoma catalogue and circling everything I want for Christmas.  Or I could talk about how Croup is going around Ethan's daycare and  he has a crazy cough.  Or I could talk about how I took Ethan to the Doctor and they told me he has a bad ear infection in his left ear.  Or how I waited to get my flu shot for thirty minutes and at the pharmacy for thirty more minutes the whole time texting an old friend about the validity of Bible truths.  I guess I don't really have much to say today.  Some things today are the same as they always are.  God is good, merciful and wants you to be His child.  He was, is, and always will be.  And don't look a gift horse in the mouth because you can't make it drink.  Or something like that.  Have a great day and bless God.

1 comment:

Beth said...

My creepy Death Beth doll is probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. That's why I put it on my blog. I think it's hilarious. If you don't think it is, then you aren't my friend anymore because you aren't as cool as I thought you were. :-P

Little E the magnificent

Little E the magnificent
Conquerer of all veggies, green and beyond