Saturday, December 8, 2007

The thought of things to come...

It was once asked of me if I changed when I got saved. Changes happen all the time. Anything that changes to can change from. It was more than a change it was an evolution. It was a revolution brought on by revelation. Yes, I've changed, but so has everyone that's ever read this. I was reborn. I moved from death to life. From despair to hope. And not by my self, but by the creator of self, and the creator of all. To anyone who has ever thought that you can move from disobedience to obedience and from a life of sin to a life of sanctification on your own... PS You can't. Not only is it not probable, it's impossible. I once set out to save the world. I truly thought that I could and I suppose my own ego thought that I would. One day, I was asked what my game plan was for saving the world. I realized... I didn't have one. I wonder if I thought that my very existence was the solution. Now I understand the truth. I couldn't save anyone, not even myself. So, for anyone who is reading this and you really want to make a difference, you really want to help someone out. You really want to, "save the world." What's your game plan? What are you going to do when you run out of money, arrogance, and assurance? What do you have apart from Christ? What do you have that will stand the test of time? What do you have to offer that the LORD Jesus Christ Himself cannot offer? You have nothing, you can do nothing apart from Christ and you on your own will not stand the trials of time. So be, create, and live, but know that nothing can be, can be created or can live without the very breath of Christ in their bosom.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I read yours, now go read mine :-P

Little E the magnificent

Little E the magnificent
Conquerer of all veggies, green and beyond