Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Not that it's a huge surprise but I got rear ended as I drove over to Christina's house today by a Saturn. I pulled into the shoppette and it didn't look that serious so I just kept truckin. I wish there was some unembarrassing way to explain all the things I'm going through right now to certain people without other people reading and yet to no one at all. I wish I could broadcast it on the Internet without anyone I know reading it. Not likely since the only people that ever read my blog are people that I know and usually people that feel like my personal advisers. So, I will put my propaganda up hear and spin it so no one gets mad or gets their feelings hurt. And to you reader, how are things? I'm doing well thanks for asking. I'm excited that Christmas is over and that next year is close around the bend. This year was fun and new. Next year, assumedly will be fun and new as well. Of course it will be new because it's not old and it will probably be fun because it's me. But anyway, I'll probably loathe some more later I have to go to church now though. You always have to put loathing on hold to go to church because if you act sad at church people think it's worse than it really is and if you act happy everyone thinks you're okay because that's what you're supposed to do at church is smile. So smile on blue eyed wonder, smile on.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Explanation of aforementioned thoughts...
Well, it's been a few days. My grandparents are here but have quarantined themselves in the hotel because my grandma is sick. Future weather is bringing my parents in a day early and although I know I should be cleaning and grocery shopping all I want to do is lay on the floor and listen to music of the nineties (STP, Pearl Jam, and the Cranberries.) I don't know if it's because Chris is in Iraq, because I don't realize he's coming home soon or just because I'm lonely. It's sad to admit I've turned to music and not to the Bible but I have all the same and part of me enjoys laying limp on my living room floor while E tears up the house and my neatly organized dvd collection. For those of you that saw me at church on Wednesday and wondered what was wrong with me, keep wondering, cause I'm not saying. Hahahaha. I look forward to actually getting through Christmas and back to normal life. The sooner we get through Christmas the sooner Chris comes home and then maybe I will feel more like myself. Thanks guys for sticking around while I go through the ookie gookies. You (non respective of person) are wonderful.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Recent Festivities of Holiday-ness
Two days in a row I have gone to Christmas parties. Two days in a row I have gotten Dirty Santa gifts and for two days in a row I have eaten enough food to sustain me and two small refugees. But oh! What a time we have had: fellowshipping, playing games, eating and sometimes sharing too much. And for what? Why do we not get together other times of the year? Why does it take a few blissful weeks in the dead of winter to bring us together and be thankful? I for one would love to have a small grouping of holidays in say, I don't know... mid-spring. Not that I'm complaining. I love Christmas and December and the whole cold, cuddly, and covered up thing.
In other news, Chris is having a good time in Balad and wants to go back next year. He has agreed to not leave me for the holidays though and for that I am truly thankful. He sent me a customized Starbucks gift card in the mail yesterday with my favorite drink on it and a very nice message. It made me cry like a second grader. Which reminds me, for all of you that were at the Christmas party last night I apologize for anything you know about Chris and I now that you were better off not knowing. You know who you are John, Michael and Joe.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A Lack of Words for Once...
I feel obligated to write in my blog ever so often. Today I can honestly say don't know what to talk about. I could talk about how I was on a plane for four hours this morning looking at the Williams-Sonoma catalogue and circling everything I want for Christmas. Or I could talk about how Croup is going around Ethan's daycare and he has a crazy cough. Or I could talk about how I took Ethan to the Doctor and they told me he has a bad ear infection in his left ear. Or how I waited to get my flu shot for thirty minutes and at the pharmacy for thirty more minutes the whole time texting an old friend about the validity of Bible truths. I guess I don't really have much to say today. Some things today are the same as they always are. God is good, merciful and wants you to be His child. He was, is, and always will be. And don't look a gift horse in the mouth because you can't make it drink. Or something like that. Have a great day and bless God.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
The thought of things to come...
It was once asked of me if I changed when I got saved. Changes happen all the time. Anything that changes to can change from. It was more than a change it was an evolution. It was a revolution brought on by revelation. Yes, I've changed, but so has everyone that's ever read this. I was reborn. I moved from death to life. From despair to hope. And not by my self, but by the creator of self, and the creator of all. To anyone who has ever thought that you can move from disobedience to obedience and from a life of sin to a life of sanctification on your own... PS You can't. Not only is it not probable, it's impossible. I once set out to save the world. I truly thought that I could and I suppose my own ego thought that I would. One day, I was asked what my game plan was for saving the world. I realized... I didn't have one. I wonder if I thought that my very existence was the solution. Now I understand the truth. I couldn't save anyone, not even myself. So, for anyone who is reading this and you really want to make a difference, you really want to help someone out. You really want to, "save the world." What's your game plan? What are you going to do when you run out of money, arrogance, and assurance? What do you have apart from Christ? What do you have that will stand the test of time? What do you have to offer that the LORD Jesus Christ Himself cannot offer? You have nothing, you can do nothing apart from Christ and you on your own will not stand the trials of time. So be, create, and live, but know that nothing can be, can be created or can live without the very breath of Christ in their bosom.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The long and desperate consequences
Ethan has turned 11 months today!!! Oh, what a journey it has been, all whopping eleven months of it. All though it doesn't seem that long think of the most important day of your life and all that you learned that day, how life changing, motivating, or innovating it might have been. Every day in the Lord's presence is one of those days. The things I have learned in the past eleven months of being a parent and in the year and a half of being a wife are laying the foundation for my obedience to Christ all of my days. And to think that His mercies are new every morning!! I pray that I may have many more days of mercy and wisdom ahead of me. Every experience is an opportunity to learn more about God and a chance for God to see more about you. Even though he knows every move you make, and have made, and will make, it's still His joy to see that His children walk in truth. There is such freedom in obedience to our Lord and Savior-even when it's hard- reader understand, the dividends are much greater than the process. Every decision make consciously knowing that your life is not your own but a clay pot for the love of Christ to be spilt from. Tonight I sit here in Christina's kitchen watching her clean up in sweatpants, no makeup, and hair pulled back, and you know what? She is so beautiful, lovingly cleaning and baking. She is so full of grace and beauty. To walk the paths that she has walked and to see her reflection in the eyes of her children, to see Christ's love left on everything she touches, what lessons we can learn from her women of faith. GOD IS GOOD. HE WILL PROVIDE, AND HE WILL BE YOUR FORTRESS IN A TIME OF NEED. Cry out to Him tonight, in need or with a joyful heart, rejoice and be glad in Him.
Friday, November 30, 2007
The true and faithful calling... questioned
Today at work we had a GI party where all the three levels were invited. The five levels and seven levels had a brake change. While out there in the blistery winter we somehow, though not surprisingly started a conversation about Hooters. I told them that I thought that there were some places that Christians just ought not to go, which has been preached to me many times. I told them that I thought bars, Hooters, strip clubs and the like were some of these places. A fellow worker whom I respect though not in theology, began quoting scripture to me (he has read the Bible three times through). He quoted a part of Matthew I believe though I can't seem to find the exact verse about how Jesus came for the sinners and not the righteous, and he was telling me how so many "Christians" are afraid of getting dirty and afraid to be seen with the least of these. He accused me of being just such a person because I said I would never go to Hooters. I thought about it for a little while and then explained to him that there is a huge difference in surrounding yourself with sin for the sake of some good buffalo wings or for surrounding yourself with sin so that you can see the lost come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. They asked me if a girl from Hooters was hungry if I would feed her, I said yes. They asked me if three girls from Hooters were hungry if I would feed them, I said yes. They complained about how dumb it was Christians didn't support Disney because they have a "Gay Day" I told them that if I never bought anything from a place that supports sin, I would never have a place to buy anything. I couldn't even make things myself. Everyone sins and I don't think it's any different if it's a private or public sin, sin is against God, and he sees both. I am constantly reminded that my work place is the perfect mission field. Although sometimes I do feel like I have to learn another language to be able to communicate, the Lord has showed me that though the relationships I have with people at work I can glorify Him. God has blessed the USA let us bless Him for a change.
Monday, November 26, 2007
An explanation of the following...
It was brought to my attention that my previous blogs made it sound like I didn't have a good time on my Thanksgiving vacation. This is not true at all! I had a great time in small town Oklahoma. I got to see some old friends, who I suppose are not that old at all, but from a long time ago. The trip back was different. Yes, different is code for really bad. I'll admit it's kind of hard to write my entry right now because I'm sitting in between two very experienced bloggers (Beth and Christina) and they're randomly looking at my blog and it's making me paranoid. Anyway, I heard from Chris yesterday and he told me that he is up for Airman of the Week! How exciting! Out of the whole base he was picked to be nominated! I am SO PROUD of my husband! He is a great man and I am proud to be his wife. Today at work was wonderful! I was out on the line and it was so cold. I was out there surrounded by planes and for the first time in a really long time my job seemed meaningful. Sometimes I get really frustrated because everyone around me is so vulgar and doesn't love the LORD or even believe that there is a God. But then I cry out to God and ask Him for an opportunity to go out into the mission field. Then I realize that the mission field begins when I open the door and drive to work, as I walk through the parking lot and into the building. I see the mission field and it's filled with Airman of every color, background and belief. It's filled with C130s and breadtrucks. It's everywhere I go and a part of everything I do.
Friday, November 23, 2007
The Day After Yesterday
Well, I survived Thanksgiving. I did get bored enough to go seek out some old high school friends (not the bad ones) and went to a friends house and watched Hairspray. Thanksgiving meal was phenomenal and I enjoyed spending it with family. I had the opportunity to witness to a guy from high school I used to run around with. He joined the Army. I wish I could force people to get saved. I'd be like a Jesus ninja running around drop kicking people with the Word of God. But instead I guess I'll just tell them. I heard from Chris last night. He ran a 5k and volunteered at the hospital again. It is so different to be in this small town where the most exciting thing to do is go to Wal-Mart. I even went to the public library. I haven't seen a lot of people I know. But the good thing is haven't run into anyone that I don't want to see. I'll be coming home tomorrow. I must admit I'm kind of sad to leave. There's no stress here, except the kind you make up because your tired of not being stressed. Beth if you read this, please run by the house and feed my squirrel if you get a chance. I don't want him to die in my bathroom. That would be stinky. Thanks.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving Eve
Twas the night fore Thanksgiving and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring except me creating a blog because I can't sleep
Well, what an amazing spell of leave I've had this time
So far I've lost my squirrel to the perils of the sofa only to find out he was playing dead, I've been stuck in a hotel room without food fit for anyone over a year of age into the wee hours of the afternoon, I've gotten lost in Missouri thanks to a not so reliable GPS, and I've seen the beginning of a (soon-to-be) life long family fued... which mind you started with a puzzle. Next time I may consider taking leave to my bedroom by myself with a gallon of icecream and a Jane Fonda workout video. I hope all of my friends reading this are having a marvelous Thanksgiving and I wish I could spend it with you, trust me. I hope that you are all pleased with the efforts of my blog and proud that I have courageously conquered my fear of the internet. May these days remind us all that even though you may be hungry, lost, and broken (even if it is because you're locked in a hotel room, your GPS is as smart as a two legged polar bear in the desert and your finished puzzle is destroyed) that only few things really matter eternally. More importantly that those few thing are just arrows that point to the one thing that matters and that of course is Jesus Christ and what we do for Him. So have a great Thanksgiving and remember me in little ol' Oklahoma, okay?
Not a creature was stirring except me creating a blog because I can't sleep
Well, what an amazing spell of leave I've had this time
So far I've lost my squirrel to the perils of the sofa only to find out he was playing dead, I've been stuck in a hotel room without food fit for anyone over a year of age into the wee hours of the afternoon, I've gotten lost in Missouri thanks to a not so reliable GPS, and I've seen the beginning of a (soon-to-be) life long family fued... which mind you started with a puzzle. Next time I may consider taking leave to my bedroom by myself with a gallon of icecream and a Jane Fonda workout video. I hope all of my friends reading this are having a marvelous Thanksgiving and I wish I could spend it with you, trust me. I hope that you are all pleased with the efforts of my blog and proud that I have courageously conquered my fear of the internet. May these days remind us all that even though you may be hungry, lost, and broken (even if it is because you're locked in a hotel room, your GPS is as smart as a two legged polar bear in the desert and your finished puzzle is destroyed) that only few things really matter eternally. More importantly that those few thing are just arrows that point to the one thing that matters and that of course is Jesus Christ and what we do for Him. So have a great Thanksgiving and remember me in little ol' Oklahoma, okay?
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Little E the magnificent

Conquerer of all veggies, green and beyond